Why get a Dog Trailer or Stroller?

- Elderly dogs -Older dogs may not be able to move around like they used to.
- Injured dogs - Dogs that have been hurt may need time to recuperate.
- Paralyzed dogs - A dog buggy can help your paralyzed dog enjoy outings again.
- Sick dogs - Dogs that are sick may be too weak or tired to move well.
- Rescued dogs - If you're fostering or adopting a dog from a bad situation, a stroller can help these bruised souls feel safe.
- Dogs with heartworm - Dogs who have been diagnosed with heartworm have to be inactive for months to prevent damage to their organs.
- Dogs with hip dysplasia - Dogs with hip and elbow dysplasia are often big dogs that have lived an active life.
- Post surgery - Dogs that need to recuperate from surgery but still able to enjoy the outdoors.
We stock the Burley range of Pet Trailers which include:
Also here is a video review of the Bark Ranger
Try Before You Buy
Buying a trailer outright can be a big investment especially if you are not sure if your furry friends will even enjoy using the trailer or if they will just want to jump out!
Hiring from us means you can try your trailer out on your family adventures and test out how it feels for you and your pet.
If you then love it, you can buy it.
For more information on our 'try before you buy' and how it works, check out our blog.
If you would like any further info about the Burley Pet Trailers then just give us a shout!
The Kids Bike Trailers Team